Abuja Based Comedian and OAP, popularly known as "Koboko Master" has expressed gratitude to God for blessing his young family with a bouncing baby Girl, who was delivered by his wife few moments ago at Vine Clinic in Abuja. Speaking via a conversation with our correspondent, Koboko Master called on the general public and his fans to behold what the lord has done for him on this blessed day, as the mother and child are in perfect conditions.

Few months after the delightful and colourful wedding ceremony of the duo, the marriage has now been blessed with their first child. Friends, family, fans and well wishers are already throwing felicitations and congratulatory messages as they celebrate with Koboko Master and his wife on such a memorable day of their lives.
The hardworking talented OAP and Comedian, who is also a Staff member of Brilla FM is quite astonished as he promised to make the naming ceremony and dedication of his Daughter remarkable. The renowned Abuja based entertainer is presently in preparations to host the 4th edition of  his big annual comedy show tagged Koboko Master Live4; The Satire.

Described as the Comedy Concert, the event would be held on 1st of March 2020 at Sheraton Hotels and Towers, Abuja. Some famous performing Comedians may include MC Tagwaye, Acapella, Osama, Aproko, MC Edo Pikin, MC Pashun, Koloman, Laffing Gas, amongst others.



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