Ahead of the 2023 general elections, elder statesman, Tanko Yakasai, has warned against reported moves by some northern presidential candidates to form a united front against Bola Tinubu-presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress.

The second republic politician, in a statement issued on Thursday, entitled ‘Appeal to all Nigerians to maintain peace and tranquility in the coming general elections,’ said such alleged gang-up against Tinubu from a section of the country portends danger for the nation’s democracy.

The statement obtained PlatinumPost correspondent reads in full : “I’m disturbed by reports I’ve seen on social media that a group of Northern candidates will form a united front against the APC presidential candidate Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the coming presidential elections. This would be a dangerous and divisive move that could threaten the unity of our nation.

“Forming a united front against a candidate from a different region, ethnicity, or religion is not only against the spirit of our constitution, which guarantees freedom of thought and association, but it also risks triggering a reactive response from the affected region. This could lead to actions that threaten the stability and unity of our country and people. This move will earn the initiator the label of a sworn enemy to our nation and its people’s progress.

“We cannot allow overambitious politicians to undermine the peace and unity we have in our country. I urge anyone considering such a move to consider the serious consequences it could have on our nation.

” Elections come and go, but we must act wisely and not engage in actions that could plunge our nation into a long-term crisis. The tragedy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, instigated by the senseless misadventure led by Mois Chambe, Kasabubu and Mabutu, serves as a reminder of what can happen when leaders engage in reckless behavior.

“I appeal to leaders of conscience, such as traditional rulers and religious leaders, to support my call for unity and intervene before the situation spirals out of control.

” Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”



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