Former Kano Emir, Muhammadu Sanusi II, briefed President Bola Tinubu at the Presidential Villa after meeting with Niger coup leader General Abdourahamane Tchiani earlier.

Mr Sanusi reportedly met with the head of the military junta on Wednesday in Niamey, along with the Sultan of Damagaram, Aboubacar Sanda.

Speaking with State House Correspondents, Mr Sanusi II however said his mission was a private one not known to the government.

“I came to brief him on the details of my discussions with leaders of Niger.

“We’ll continue to do our best to bring the two parties together to improve understanding. This is the time for public diplomacy, it’s not a matter that we leave to governments.

“All Nigerians, all Nigeriens need to be involved to find a solution that works for Africa, a solution that works for Niger, that works for Nigeria and a solution that works for humanity,” he added.




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