Following Nigeria’s decision to shut off its power supply to the neighboring West African nation, several cities in the Niger Republic are currently going through protracted blackouts.

Nigelec, a Niger energy business, reports that the events transpired during an emergency meeting of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in which the Niger Republic was subjected to penalties, including the suspension of utility services, due to its coup.

The cities of Niamey, Maradi, and Zinder each witnessed about an hour of electricity at a time before it went off for about five hours. This is said to be unusual in the Niger Republic, which usually enjoys a reliable electricity supply.

Niger Republic is heavily dependent on Nigeria for most of its electricity supplies.

The Transmission Company of Nigeria, when quizzed by the press on the Niger power cuts, declined to comment on the issue. But an anonymous source disclosed to the BBC that the electricity supply to Niger was cut on Tuesday following a presidential directive.

On Sunday, West African leaders gave the military junta one week to give up power or face possible military intervention.

ECOWAS defence chiefs also met in Nigeria to discuss the Niger crisis and the best resolution.

It should be recalled that Niger’s democratically elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, was ousted in a military coup last week by presidential guards.

General Abdourahmane Tchiani, the chief of the presidential guards, was installed as the head of state. The coup sparked several demonstrations against the country’s former colonial power, with the French embassy coming under attack in the country.

France responded by evacuating its citizens from the country. About 262 French citizens evacuated from Niger Republic arrived in Paris early Wednesday.

Meanwhile, a delegation from ECOWAS is meeting in Niger on Wednesday to hold talks. The delegation is led by Nigeria’s General Abdulsalami Abubakar, who oversaw Nigeria’s transition from military rule to democracy in 1999.

Another notable delegation member reportedly includes the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammadu Sa’adu Abubakar III, who also wields huge influence in the Niger Republic.

The country joins Mali, Guinea, and Burkina Faso as countries currently under military rule.



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