A devastating clash between rival gangs in Darmanawa quarters, Tarauni Local Government Area of Kano, on Sunday evening, resulted in the loss of three lives.
The altercation erupted during a Gangi event organized by Muhammad Barde, 59, to celebrate the wedding of his children. What was meant to be a cultural celebration for local hunters turned into a battleground for thugs vying for supremacy in the area.
As tensions escalated, many brandished dangerous weapons, and within minutes, violence erupted. The situation prompted a distressed call to the police, and SP Haruna Kiyawa, the Police Public Relations Officer in Kano, stated that officers responded swiftly to disperse the armed hoodlums.
Despite the initial intervention, the conflict reignited, leading to a confrontation between the armed thugs and the police. Tragically, the clashes claimed the lives of Sadiq Abdulkadir, 23, of Darmanawa quarters, and Muhammad Sani, 22, of Sallari quarters. Additionally, a teenager, Sadiq Abdullahi, 18, of Karkasara quarters, lost his life from bullet wounds sustained during the police’s attempt to disperse the thugs.
The grief of the bereaved father, Mallam Abdullahi Yasayyadi, highlights the human toll of the violence. He received the heartbreaking news while in school and rushed to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, where he confirmed the identity of his son, who succumbed to a gunshot wound to the stomach. Yasayyadi’s resigned acceptance underscores the profound impact of the tragedy on families affected by the senseless violence.
In response, Police Commissioner Usaini Gumel has ordered the immediate arrest of the event organizer and two others, signaling a commitment to accountability and justice. The police have pledged to conduct a thorough investigation, with the findings to be made public, as the community grapples with the aftermath of the tragic loss of lives.
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